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Town of Newtown, CT                                             3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT



The Sustainable Energy Commission held a regular meeting Thursday, February 21, 2013 in shared meeting room 3 of the Municipal Center located at 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470.

The meeting was called to order by chairman, Kathy Quinn at 7:00 pm.

Present: Chairman, Kathy Quinn, Charlie Copp, Mark Sievel, Barbara Toomey, Dan Holmes, Joseph Borst, James Gulalo

Absent: Sarah Hemingway, Fred Hurley, Desiree Galassi


Ms. Quinn informed the Commission that Sarah Hemingway has resigned from the Commission.

Sounds Solar will be conducting a presentation on March 19, 2013 about the solar installation at the Middle School.

Acceptance of Minutes:

Mr. Borst made a motion to accept the minutes of the January 17, 201 meeting minutes with the following corrections: the Diane being referred to is Diane McCarthy Becury from Northeast Utilities and the storm caused damage to the solar panels at the Water Treatment Plant, the plant is still operational. Mr. Gulalo seconded the motion which carried unanimously.

Old Business:

HES Program

Ms. Quinn spoke with Vivian Perez from Home Energy Solutions and Ms. Perez reported that Home Energy Solutions is currently working on the units at Nonnewaug Meadows as a part of the income eligible part of the HES Program. Ms. Perez estimates that the HES Program will save Nonnewaug Meadows about 4,500 kilowatts per hour each year. Home Energy Solutions will wrap up the program at Nonnewaug Meadows on Tuesday, February 26 around 10 am and they are planning to have a small ceremony. Ms. Quinn invited the Commission to attend the wrap up ceremony. Diane McCarthy Becury from Northeast Utilities will also be on hand.

Solar Panels PPA        

Ms. Quinn stated that the solar panels are currently being installed on the Middle School.

Water Treatment Plant

Mr. Quinn reported that the solar panels are up and running but the internet connection is still not working correctly.

Solarize CT Program

The next step will be to wait and see if the state starts a third round of applications or if the program will be opened up to all of Connecticut.

Transition Movement

Ms. Toomey is planning on holding some demonstrations at Earth Day. The Commission is also planning on having a few tables set up for sign – ups on Earth Day for the various ongoing programs.

Go Green Website

Ms. Quinn stated some changes have been made and she is looking to add a link to a new website the state has debuted about different sustainable programs available.

Energy Star Portfolio Manager

No update.


Ms. Quinn has emailed the prepared presentation to the Commission and has asked for their comments and thoughts. The square footage of Edmond Town Hall and the library will be added back into the presentation.  Approval is needed from various town boards before the IGA (Investment Grade Audit) can begin.  

Plan of Conservation and Development
Ms. Quinn told the Commission the plan was submitted.

Municipal Energy Management Plan

No update. The goal of this plan is to state when the town is now with energy, where they want to be in the future, and how they are planning on achieving their goal.


No update

New Business

Earth Day

Earth Day will be on April 27, 2013 at the Middle School. The Commission intends to keep all of the sustainable energy related tables in one area.

Mr. Holmes shared that the Earth Day Committee is looking for Corporate donations to help support the Earth Day Scholarship Fund which is awarded to a student who is attending college and studying environmental science. It was recommended that the Earth Day Committee contact the Economic Development Commission for some assistance as well as sending the information to the Chamber of Commerce and the Newtown Patch.


Mr. Borst made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:44 pm. The motion was seconded by Mr. Gulalo. The motion was carried unanimously.

The next regular meeting will occur on Thursday, March 21, 2013 at 7:00 pm at the Newtown Municipal Center in Shared Meeting Room 3.

Submitted, Jessica Smith, clerk.